This page is used to post and pass on Biblical teachings. 
I am no one special, just a man that realizes life without God is no way to live. I spent many years of my life seeking truth, I have looked for it in just about every outlet you can think of, from religions to no religion and everything in between. I've even created my own set of beliefs. The only place I've ever found truth and peace is in Yeshua-Jesus. I  do not claim any denomination nor do I look down on any denomination. I am a Nondenominational Christian Believer. I believe the words written in the Holy Bible are the inspired, preserved, and eternal words of our Creator. I believe they are the guidelines and teachings given to us by our God. My purpose for this page is to help others understand the Bible and to eliminate the confusion that people may have. The world is a harvesting place for confusion, but the truth is out there, if I can find it and recognize it, anyone can. I pray that God can use this page, even in the smallest way to bring people to Yeshua-(Jesus Christ).

Check out the Links on the side bar to read my blogs.

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What You Confuse For Glorious Fire, is Fire from the Tongues of Liars..


Translation ^ "While I breathe, I trust the cross, with God as my leader and my sword as my companion"

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